By Faith Sarah…

Sarah Wilson Warrior Award

Our Fundraising Goal

“If you knew Sarah you knew how special she was. She had a big heart. She loved others so well. Out of that big heart came one of her biggest passions and loves, Blue Door Ministries. Blue Door Ministries is a non-profit , christian organization that has impacted hundreds of children from needy families in Kenya. They started Blue Door Christian Academy, which today supports 160 students. After their test scores last year, they were ranked 3rd out of 22 schools in the sub county and the number 1 private school!

In an effort to carry on Sarah’s legacy of loving others so well, to create something lasting, something bigger than us and something with eternal rewards, I reached out to Blue Door to see how I could help. From that conversation, I discovered Blue Door’s dream of sending their students to university. In 2015, shortly after Sarah was diagnosed with cancer, she went to Kenya to serve and see the work that Blue Door was doing. What she saw shook her and forever changed her. She saw firsthand how big the need really was. In typical Sarah fashion, she pinned an emotional and powerful message on what she was experiencing. Sarah’s full writing is listed below on this page. I encourage you to read.

Here is a small section of her writing from that night in Nairobi, Kenya:

‘This isn’t just some National Geographic cover shot, my friends. Or some TV documentary shot in a place that can’t REALLY exist.

As we walked through the slums on day one, heading to the children’s school…as I took in the sights, sounds and smells…a morsel of fear fell in and my very American first response (& ‘I have cancer’ response) was “Lord, PROTECT MY BODY…”

And in the same breath, my eyes met the most precious eyes of a babe and FAITH came flooding and I whispered, “BUT LEAVE MY HEART WIDE OPEN.”’

So here is my ask friends: Help us! We want to create the “Sarah Wilson Warrior Award” that will be awarded to a student who is a needy, hardworking, generous, intelligent leader and who loves the Lord with everything they have. This students’s tuition will be paid to attend University for 4 years in Sarah’s honor because without this gift this scholar will most likely just end up back on the streets of the slums. The cost for all 4 years is $6.000. Sarah was here she would be so proud to champion this project. Let’s do it for Sarah. Let us carry on her legacy of loving others and giving so much. Let’s do it to expand the good work that Blue Door Ministries is already doing. And lastly, let’s do it because Jesus talked an awful lot about helping those who can’t help themselves, especially the women and children. If you would like to donate, please click the donate button above.”

Thank You,

-Mark Wilson

Sarah’s Complete Journal Entry…

July 28, 2015


That’s the word you get when there isn’t a word BIG ENOUGH to adequately portray the need.

After three long and full days, I spoke to my man last night and he said, “Well, how is it? What do you think?” And I sat silent. Dumbfounded really. I mean. I can’t even. So much. So many. Lord. Where do I even plant my heart to begin?

 This isn’t just some National Geographic cover shot, my friends. Or some TV documentary shot in a place that can’t REALLY exist.

As we walked through the slums on day one, heading to the children’s school…as I took in the sights, sounds and smells…a morsel of fear fell in and my very American first response (& ‘I have cancer’ response) was “Lord, PROTECT MY BODY…”

And in the same breath, my eyes met the most precious eyes of a babe and FAITH came flooding and I whispered, “BUT LEAVE MY HEART WIDE OPEN.”

We walk through this life so guarded, don’t we? Walls up. Shields up. Swords drawn. But against WHAT? Against FEELING? Against PAIN? Against all that you hope isn’t REALLY real cuz it’s just easier not to deal?

Y’all. It’s real. THIS is REAL. This is LIFE. This is AFRICA. For some 5 million in Nairobi alone, I can’t even.

For twenty kids rescued and staying just two doors down. For HUNDREDS over the past nine years. For the ONE woman’s faith and call to come and be “mom” to the motherless. For HOPE for the hopeless. For heart strings pulled and burdens birthed. For future generations. For education. For change. For slum houses. For single moms. For no clothes. No shoes. No food. No water. For no work. No way. For the UTTER DEPENDENCE. For “Lord give us today our DAILY bread” …cuz without YOU, our children go hungry. For mud floors. Tin walls. No electricity. Pit latrines. For open sewers. For trash dump digging. For laundry washing. For if-we’re-lucky-today porridge drinking. For 10x10 dwellings. For mamas who take in babies that aren’t their own. For mamas who have to choose to leave their babies to go to work to feed their babies. For malaria. For TB. For HIV. For making their way…the only way they know how.

And somehow still. For JOY. For a joy that comes from the Lord alone. For STRENGTH. To rise up again. And again. And a FAITH that BELIEVES. That TRUSTS. That WORSHIPS in ways unparalleled. ALL IN. SOLD OUT. Cuz really…WHAT ELSE IS THERE? God. And people. That’s what there is. For many, that’s ALL there is. And it’s here, this heart of mine can REALLY begin to grasp, that just MAYBE it really IS all that any of us NEED. Him. And them.

I don’t NEED a house to do that. Clothes to do that. Food to do that. A secure job to do that. I don’t need STUFF. I need JESUS. And I need to journey this thing out alongside OTHERS. “Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, mind and soul. And love your neighbor as yourself.” Turns out, these Kenyans ARE my neighbors. And they’re yours too. L1. L2. That’s how I heard a friend share with me once. Love God first. Love others second. L1. L2. WHAT IF all this life really was that simple?


What if LOVE really WAS all you need?

What if LOVE really WAS the answer.

Like EVERY time.

What if every thought, word, move on our part was motivated by LOVE?

The roots of #projectlove are growing deeper. “The need is great, but the workers are few” is getting under my skin. The whole of this beautiful, messy world is wrecking me. Today, as I peered across Mathare slum, I couldn’t help but think about the upside-down economy of the Lord. Where the weak are strong. Where the poor are wealthy. Where the foolish shame the wise. And the longing for that place grew deeper. For Him. For THEM. For the LOVE #domorebemoregivemore #fortheLOVE #meforYou


By: Sarah Wilson

“By Faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised.”

— Hebrews 11:11 ESV